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Top 20 Reasons for Business Failure!

We youth people love business and want to be a great business person, some of us start our business with a big hope and big courage and do well as well. But business will not success all time. sometimes it may get failure as well. it is not necessary that all new business fails sometimes old and established business may fail as well. so here I am trying to give some ideas about the reason behind failure of business so that you can find your mistakes with two examples.

Last week, when I was enjoying my weekend leave, a friend of mine called me and proposed for the meeting. And I was agreed. It was long time we didn’t meet each other. We had completed our graduation from the same college and were best friends. After the graduation, I started to work in a bank and he started his family business. His father is a reputed businessman and he is handling one of his father’s businesses than.  In these three years we have done few contacts each other but were not in regular touch.

Is blogging a business

That day in our meeting after few formalities, he opens the main secret of this plan for meeting. He was in frustration. And want to share me. According to him, he started his family business before 3 years. He was happy enough and had some enthusiasm and some eager to do something. He wanted to pick of this business new height and earn more profit. He has knowledge as well and father gave some ideas as well. But after three years the business is in same stage. There is no loss he is earning profit as well but fails to increase significantly. According to him he is fail in the business. That’s way he is frustrated.

Another example is also here. In the office I have to meet various customers daily. Some of them are regular and well known. So I have been interacting them regularly. On day a customer, who is a reputed businessman, was in frustration. I couldn’t do long interaction with him but according to him the business is not like before and is in down falling.

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After listening the problems, style of their business, marketing strategy and other all aspect of these two I have found that there are some significant reasons for the failure of business. In most of case we don’t know the reasons why we are failing, so that we can not apply corrective action. For the correction of the mistakes we have to know our mistakes. In these above two cases both were not aware about their mistakes and are unable to pick up their business. So I decide to write a blog post so that other businessperson who are doing business and who want to start business shouldn’t be suffer from this problem. I will write about how to pick up the downfall business but at first let’s find your mistakes.

So in most of cases the reason for the failure of business are follows:

  • Lack of self belief: when you are doing your work(business) you have to believe yourself and must do work with confidence. But if you  lack your confidence problem appears there.
  • Overspending: Many new entrepreneurs burn through their startup capital before their cash flow is positive. This often happens because of misconceptions about how business operates. If you’re just starting out, seek out seasoned veterans you can turn to for advice before making big expenditures.
  • Lack of reserve capital: Be prepared for unexpected increases in the costs of things like utilities, materials, and labor. Make sure you keep enough reserve cash to carry you through tough times and seasonal slowdowns.
                           Simple keys for success
  • Poor choice of location: Don’t let a cheap lease tempt you into choosing the wrong location. Consider competition (how many similar businesses are located nearby?) and accessibility (is the area well served by freeways, public transportation, and foot traffic?).
  • Poor cash flow: Cash flow is the life blood of your business, without it you cannot survive. Even the most profitable firms can find  themselves going out of business because their cash is tied up in unpaid invoices.
  • Lack of focus: If your business is trying to be everything to every man, then you're bound to overstretch yourself and your resources. By establishing a niche for your business and focusing on being great at what you do best, you will provide better service and create more satisfied customers. Without focus and achievable goals, many businesses find it hard to set priorities and achieve their full potential.
  • Lack of planning: The most important document that any business has is its business plan, which documents what you intend to achieve during the next 12 months and how you plan to do it. This needs to be communicated to everyone in the business to ensure everyone is working for the same goal.
  • Poor execution: Poor customer service and overall employee incompetence will quickly sink your business. Make sure your employees place a premium on customer service. Develop systems and processes for how tasks should be accomplished, and create internal controls to monitor them.
  • Rapid Growth: Every now and then a business startup grows much faster than it can keep up with. You open a website with a trending product and suddenly you are inundated with orders you are not able to fill. Or perhaps the opposite is true. You are so convinced that your product is going to take the world by storm that you invest heavily and order way too much inventory and now you can’t move it. These are both additional paths to business failure.
  • Following trend: The ability to recognize opportunities and be flexible enough to adapt is crucial to surviving and thriving. Learn how to wear multiple hats, respond nimbly, and develop new areas of expertise. If you apply your old strategy and style always then that may not work with the change in time.
                                22 tips to be a great entrepreneur
  • Wrong People: The problem may with the people around you. If your employees are wrong, don’t have knowledge, lazy and don’t following your instruction clearly your business can’t go smoothly.
  • No performance monitoring: So you have a plan, but that's not the end of it. You should constantly review your progress to ensure you're meeting your business goals and that your staffs are meeting their personal potential.
  • Ineffective marketing: Customers can’t do business with you if they don’t know you’re there. It doesn’t cost a lot to advertise and promote your business through online marketing, social media, email, local search, and more.
  • Underestimating the competition: Customer loyalty doesn’t just happen — you have to earn it. Watch your competition and stay one step ahead of them. If you don’t take care of your customers, your competition will.
  • Not understanding your customer: To be successful in business you need to have your finger on the pulse and constantly adapt your business to meet the changing needs of your target market. A businessman needs to understand the needs and requirement of their customer and provide such service. But sometimes businesses fail there.
  • Poor management structure: Leadership has to start at the top of the company, but there is more to the success of a business than the owner. Hiring the right people to delegate responsibility to, who you can trust to carry your business forward, is crucial.
  • Insufficient funding: Without new investment flowing into businesses, many companies have found it difficult to grow – even if demand for their product exists. Bank funding has become increasingly harder to come by in the recent years, but alternative source of finance are available including grants, peer-to-peer lending and funding marketplaces.
  • Not want to take risk: sometimes there may come opportunity while taking risk. But if you afraid to take risk and continue with business in old fashion there may be the chance of being failure.
                        Do you want to achieve your goals?? It's easy

Now it's your turn to find some other reasons for business failure! If you want to share them comment below in the comment box! Thank You!
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What is motivation??it's features,importance and factors

What is Motivation? Meaning

Motivation is next to directing / leading. Managers can motivate their subordinates while guiding them. Motivating means encouraging people to take more initiative and interest in the work assigned. It is an art of getting things done willingly from others.
Motivation avoids clashes and non-cooperation and brings harmony, unity and co-operative outlook among employees. Managers have to work as motivators of their subordinates. For this, effective communication, proper appreciation of work done and positive encouragement are necessary and useful. Motivation is inspiring and encouraging people to work more and contribute for achieving the objectives of the company The creation of the desire and willingness to perform the job efficiently is known as motivation.

Motivation is a psychological and sociological concept as it relates to human behavior and human relations. It is the most fundamental and all pervasive concept of psychology. For motivation, sweet words are useful but are certainly not adequate. Motivation basically relates to human needs, desires and expectations. In other words, these factors suggest the measures which can be used for the motivation of employees.
In motivation, efforts should be made to satisfy the different needs of employees so that they will be satisfied, happy and away from tensions. This creates favorable environment because of which employees take more interest and initiative in the work and perform their jobs efficiently. Motivation is a technique of creating attraction for the job. It is encouraging employees for better performance in order to achieve the goals of an Organization. The process of motivation is a continuous one (circular one) and is beneficial to both - employer and employees. It is a key to improve work performance of employees.
The term 'motive' is derived from the Latin word 'emovere' which means to move or to activate. Motivation is the act of making someone to act in the desired manner through positive encouragement. It is through motivation that employees can be induced to work more, to earn more and to give better results to the Organization.

Definition of Motivation

According to W. G. Scot, "Motivation means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish the desired goals."
According to Michael J. Jucius, "Motivation is the act of stimulating someone or oneself to get a desired course of action, to push the right button to get a desired results."

Features of Motivation

Psychological Process : Motivation is a psychological process useful for encouraging employees to take more interest in the work assigned. It relates to human relations.
Initiative by Manager : The initiative for motivation is by the manager by offering guidance and also by other methods like appreciation of good work or offering incentives. Management has to adopt special measures for motivating employees. They include monetary as well as non-monetary.
Continuous activity : It is a continuous and circular process. Subordinates need motivation in a continuous manner as their needs and expectations change from time to time. A manager has to study the needs of workers and use the technique of motivation accordingly. The process of motivation must be made a regular and continuous one.
Goal-oriented and action-oriented : Motivation diverts human behavior towards certain goals. Attainment of organizational and individual goals depends on the motivational plans.
Broad concept : Motivation covers needs, human relations and satisfaction of employees. For employee motivation, monetary and other incentives need to be offered. Job satisfaction is one such need and is useful for their motivation.
Essence of management process : Motivation is an essential function of a manager. He has to motivate his subordinates for achieving organizational objectives. Motivated labour force is an asset of a business unit. Motivated employees bring prosperity to a business unit.
Beneficial to employees and management : Motivation offers benefits to employees and Organization. It avoids crashes and encourages cooperative outlook among employees. Motivation leads to cordial labour-management relations. It provides more profit to management and better welfare to employees.
Varied measures available for motivation : For motivation, various monetary and non monetary incentives can be offered to employees by the management. Attractive wages, welfare facilities, job satisfaction, appreciation of good work, encouragement to self-development, job security and fair treatment are some measures of motivating employees.
Motivation is different from satisfaction : Motivation implies a drive towards a result while satisfaction involves result already experienced and achieved. 'When desire is satisfied, employee is motivated'.
Related to a person in totality : An employee is motivated in totality and not in part. Employee's basic needs are interrelated. Management must fulfill all the needs through monetary and non-monetary incentives.

Importance of Motivation

Motivation occupies an important place and position in the whole management process. This technique can be used fruitfully for encouraging workers to make positive contribution for achieving organizational objectives. Motivation is necessary as human nature needs some sort of inducement, encouragement or incentive in order to get better performance. Motivation of employee’s offers may benefits to the Organization and also to the employees. This suggests the importance of motivating employees. Motivation acts as a technique for improving the performance of employees working at different levels.
Motivation of employees is one function which every manager has to perform along with other managerial functions. A manager has to function as a friend and motivator of his subordinates. Motivation is useful in all aspects of life and even our family life. The same is the case with business. This dearly suggests that motivation is extremely important. It is an integral part of management process itself.

Advantages of Motivation

(A) Advantages of Motivation to Management / Organization
Increase in the efficiency and productivity of employees. Motivation ensures a high level performance of employees.
Better co-operation from employees and cordial labour-management relations.
Reduction in the rate of labour absenteeism and turnover.
Reduction in the wastages and industrial accidents.
Improvement in the morale of employees.
Quick achievement of business/corporate objectives and favorable corporate image.
(B) Advantages of Motivation to Employees / Workers
Employees get various monetary and non-monetary facilities/benefits which provide better life and welfare to them.
Security of employment and other benefits due to cordial relations with the management.
Job attraction and job satisfaction.
Higher status and opportunities of participation in management.
Positive approach and outlook of employees towards company, management and superiors.
Reduction in the rate of labour turnover which is harmful to employees and management.
Better scope for improvement in knowledge and skills of employees.

Motivational Factors / Incentives

(A) Monetary or Financial Incentives
Monetary incentives are offered in terms of money. Such incentives provide more cash or purchasing power to employees. Monetary incentives are extremely attractive to employees (particularly those working at lower levels) as they get the benefit quickly and in concrete terms. At the higher levels of management, non-monetary incentives are more important than monetary incentives. Workers prefer monetary incentives as compared to non-monetary incentives. Managements also offer liberal monetary incentives to all categories of workers.

Monetary incentives may be further classified as following :-
Individual Monetary Incentives : The benefit of individual monetary incentive is available to concerned worker only. For example, F. W. Taylor suggested differential piece rate system which offers different wage rates to different workers as per their production efficiency. Different incentive wage plans are the examples of individual monetary incentives as the benefit is offered individually to every worker. Here, a worker is paid as per his efficiency, productivity or as per the production given by him. Efficient/sincere workers give more production and get higher reward in terms of wage payment.
Group Monetary Incentives : In the group monetary incentives, the monetary benefit is not given individually but to a group of workers or to all workers in the Organisation. Workers have to work jointly/collectively as a team in order to secure the benefits of group monetary incentives. Bonus payment, pension, P.F, production/productivity bonus, profit sharing, etc. are the examples of group monetary incentives. For the employer/management, group incentives are more important as they offer many benefits to the management.
(B) Non-monetary Incentives for Employee Motivation
Job security and job enrichment : Job security is useful for the motivation of employees. Such security keeps the employee away from the tension of becoming unemployed. Job enrichment provides an opportunity for greater recognition and advancement. Job enrichment refers to redesign of jobs.
Fair treatment to employees : Employer should give attention to the needs, difficulties and grievances of employees. Small work groups and effective communication are useful for solving the problems of workers. Employees must be given decent treatment. They will be co-operative only when they are treated with sympathy and love, affection and dignity. Employees should also be given help in personal matters.
Recognition of good work : Recognition of good work at an appropriate time gives encouragement to employees to show better performance in future. As an appreciation of good work, prizes, rewards, promotions, etc. should be given.
Encouragement to self-development and career development: Employees should be given varied training facilities. Training facilitates self-development and also provides opportunities for career development. Every employee has a desire to grow, develop and rise higher. This desire should be exploited fully for motivating employees. For this, training as well as management development programme should be introduced.
Delegation of authority : Due to delegation of authority, a subordinate employee feels that superior has faith in him and also in his ability to use authority in a proper manner. Employees get mental satisfaction when authority is given to them. They take interest and initiative in the work and try to prove that they are competent to work at the higher levels. Thus, delegation of authority becomes a motivating factor.
Congenial working conditions : It is a non financial incentive for motivation. Employees should be given various facilities and conveniences at the work place. The work environment should be pleasant and safe. This creates desire to work efficiently.
Helpful attitude of management : The helpful attitude of management towards its employees creates a sense of affinity for the Organization. Fair treatment to workers creates better understanding among workers. Cordial industrial relations also motivate employees. Thus, enlightened and pro-employee attitude of management acts as a motivating factor.
Fair opportunity of promotion : Fair opportunity of promotion to all eligible workers is one more method useful for motivating employees. They take interest in the work as they feet that they will be rewarded in the form of promotions. Training facility should be provided to employees in order to make them eligible for promotion.
Labour participation in management : Labour participation in management is useful for the motivation of employees. Workers get higher status and better scope for expressing their views through such participation. Even the formation of quality circles or joint management councils is useful for motivating employees.

Designation and status : When an employee is provided with a better designation, it adds to his status. Employees are proud to reveal their attractive and high-sounding designations.
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How to Start and run a Business??

Today’s world is known as business world. If someone asks what is the simplest way to earn money then answer will be do your own business. So there are millions business are carried in the world right now. Some are large business and some are small retail business. Some are well managed and some are not. Some business is started with the plans and some are not. Anyhow business is carried on and some are getting success and some are not. So here today I am discussing about how to start and carried on a successful business.
What is business?? It is not a difficult question but it may be hard to define! In Nepal and in India as well most of the persons are engaged in either small or a big business but most of the people are unable to define the business! So, let’s start with what is business!

What is business?

Simply business is the economic activities carried by the persons and organization or we can say business is an economic activity which is related with continuous and regular production and distribution of goods and services for satisfying human needs.
investopedia defines “any commercial, industrial or professional activity undertaken by an individual or a group is business.

How to start a business
 Now let’s talk about how to start a business. Before starting a business you have to make a business plan. Firstly you should think what business will suit for you and in which business you can get success. You should ask different types of questions yourself like this: Is this business will give you proper return or not? Is there sufficient market for this business or not??? Although a good businessman should create the market for their business but you have to analyze that can you create the market for your business or not.

You have to estimate the cost of starting your business. You should have to decide your source of fund. Whether it is your own capital or has to borrow s loan. So In conclusion we can say if you are starting a a big business you have to do SWOT analysis of your business by investing money and time. And if you are planning a small type of business you have to simply analyze your strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of you and your surroundings before starting your business.

Run your business

After finalizing the planning phase of your business, you are ready to start the business. Establish the office, go to the targeted market and start to sell your goods and services. That is your business. But before doing this you have to do lot of things. You have to choose targeted sites, construct or rent required office buildings, purchase required equipments, appoint and manage staffs. So that you are now able to run your business smoothly.

Starting a business not big achievement. Managing it properly getting good return and achieving success is main part of your business. For this you have to make appoint various agents, make a good circle to reach customers, visit customers and listen their complaint. Publicity is essential for the successful business. Big companies spend million dollars for the promotion of their business. So you can as well give some advertisement to the radios, television and newspapers as well. You can use various social medias like facebook, twitter, Google etc for the promotion of your business.

This is not overall idea for how to start and run a business but I hope this will give some concept for you about the business.

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